Language Switcher

Marketing Dictionary


Hello, I'm Yuya-san!

I'm studying marketing and consumer behavior!

Marketing Term

Marketing Framework

Marketing Model

Marketing Theory

Development theory
Domestication theory
Sociological theory
Deng Xiaoping Theory
Social cognitive theory
Tournament theory
Problematic integration theory
Social impact theory
Optimal distinctiveness theory
Inoculation theory
Media naturalness theory
Regulatory focus theory
Protection motivation theory
Fuzzy-trace theory
Theory of religious economy
Strauss–Howe generational theory
Theories of media exposure
Expectation states theory
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory
Excellence theory
Channel expansion theory
Nudge theory
Third Space Theory
Theories of love
Mass-market theory
Sociological Theory of Diffusion
Swift Trust Theory
Expectation Confirmation Theory
Symbolic Self-Completion Theory
Theory of Basic Human Values
Functional Attitude Theory
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
Role Congruity Theory
Communication Accommodation Theory
Social Identity Theory
Self-regulation theory
Expectancy-value theory
Consumer Culture Theory
Theory of Reasoned Action
Role theory
Interdependence theory
Product life-cycle theory
Theory of planned behavior
Construal level theory
Balance Theory
Social Exchange Theory