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3Cs model

The image depicts a blog page layout divided into three main sections: "Customers," "Competitors," and "The Company." Customers: Shows diverse readers engaging with the blog on laptops and phones, representing the target audience. Competitors: Features a competitive analysis chart with graphs and a comparison table, indicating how the blog differentiates itself. The Company: Highlights the blogger's skills with icons representing marketing knowledge, data analysis, and content creation, showcasing the strengths leveraged in the blog. Framework

Hello, I'm Yuya-san!

I'm studying marketing and consumer behavior!

Do you have questions or concerns like these?

  • What is 3Cs model?
  • What is a concrete example of 3Cs model?

If you’re grappling with such questions and uncertainties, this time I will clearly explain:

  • Overview
  • A concrete example based on my experience

Please refer to this article to deepen your understanding of 3Cs model.

What is 3Cs model?

The image depicts a blog page layout divided into three main sections: "Customers," "Competitors," and "The Company." Customers: Shows diverse readers engaging with the blog on laptops and phones, representing the target audience. Competitors: Features a competitive analysis chart with graphs and a comparison table, indicating how the blog differentiates itself. The Company: Highlights the blogger's skills with icons representing marketing knowledge, data analysis, and content creation, showcasing the strengths leveraged in the blog.

3Cs Model is a strategic framework developed by Japanese organizational theorist Kenichi Ohmae.

It emphasizes three key factors for business success: the Company, the Customers, and the Competitors.

Integrating these three elements can create a sustainable competitive advantage.


Customers are the foundation of any strategy, with companies needing to understand and meet their needs and wants.

Effective market segmentation helps in targeting the right customer groups and tailoring products to meet their specific demands.


Competitor strategies focus on differentiation in areas such as procurement, design, engineering, sales, and service.

Japanese business planners emphasize balancing people, money, and things to achieve streamlined corporate management without waste.

The Company

Corporate strategies involve selectivity and sequencing, leveraging outsourcing, and backward integration to maintain competitiveness.

Companies should focus on their strengths and improve other functions to enhance overall competitiveness.

What is a concrete example of 3Cs model?

The image depicts a typical day in the life of Yuya-san applying the 3Cs model. Yuya-san is shown at a desk, working on his blog with a laptop and notes, engaging with readers (Customers), analyzing competitor blogs on a tablet (Competitors), and utilizing his marketing skills (The Company) with icons representing marketing knowledge, data analysis, and content creation around him. The setting is a modern, cozy room with books and anime movie posters, reflecting Yuya-san's interests.

3Cs Model is extremely useful in developing marketing strategies.

I apply this model in my blog to provide valuable content to my readers.


The readers of my blog are primarily individuals interested in marketing and business.

By understanding their needs and interests, I can provide the information they seek.

I constantly improve the content based on reader feedback.


To differentiate from other marketing blogs, I cover the latest marketing theories and practices, offering a unique perspective.

I keep an eye on competitors’ trends and update my blog content accordingly.

The Company

In managing the blog, I leverage my strengths in marketing knowledge and data analysis skills.

By choosing topics that interest readers and explaining them clearly, I enhance the value of my blog.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article “3Cs model” which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 4.0. Additionally, the texts and images were generated using ChatGPT.
