Do you have questions or concerns like these?
- What is Theory of planned behavior?
- What is a concrete example of Theory of planned behavior?
If you’re grappling with such questions and uncertainties, this time I will clearly explain:
- Overview
- A concrete example based on my experience
Please refer to this article to deepen your understanding of Theory of planned behavior.
What is Theory of planned behavior?

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), proposed by Icek Ajzen in 1985, is a psychological theory that explains how individual intentions to perform behaviors can lead to actual behavior.
According to this theory, behavioral intentions are shaped by three main factors: attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.
Attitudes refer to an individual’s positive or negative evaluation of performing a specific behavior.
This is formed based on beliefs about the outcomes of the behavior and the evaluation of those outcomes.
For example, if someone believes that exercising is beneficial for health and highly values this benefit, they will have a positive attitude towards exercising.
Subjective Norms
Subjective norms reflect the social pressure or expectations regarding whether to perform a particular behavior.
This is influenced by how much one cares about the opinions of significant others. For instance, if friends and family encourage exercising and the individual values their opinions, they are more likely to intend to exercise.
Perceived Behavioral Control
Perceived behavioral control refers to an individual’s perception of their ability to perform a behavior, encompassing their self-efficacy.
This is based on the recognition of factors that may facilitate or impede the behavior.
For example, if someone feels they have the time and resources to exercise, their intention to do so will be stronger.
Actual Behavior
According to TPB, these three factors (attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) form an individual’s behavioral intentions, which in turn lead to actual behavior.
The stronger the intention, the more likely the behavior will be performed.
However, for intentions to translate into action, there must be a feasible environment and available resources.
What is a concrete example of Theory of planned behavior?

Morning Routine
I make it a point to eat a healthy breakfast every morning.
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), I can explain how I maintain this habit.
I have a very positive attitude towards having a healthy breakfast.
I believe that apples and bananas provide energy and help start the day on a good note.
Valuing these health benefits highly motivates me to continue this habit every morning.
Subjective Norms
My family also encourages healthy eating.
My father always provides fresh fruits, making it natural for me to eat a healthy breakfast.
The expectations and support from my family strengthen my intention to maintain this behavior.
Perceived Behavioral Control
I feel I have sufficient time and resources to prepare breakfast.
Especially since apples and bananas are easy to prepare, it’s convenient to keep up this habit.
My high self-efficacy makes eating a healthy breakfast every morning a feasible action.
Academic Endeavors
As a graduate student, TPB elements significantly influence my approach to academics.
I hold a very positive attitude towards my studies.
I believe that my research in business administration and marketing will be beneficial for my future career and highly value this belief.
This boosts my motivation to tackle assignments and research.
Subjective Norms
Expectations from my professors and peers also impact my behavioral intentions.
Particularly, aiming to write an excellent thesis means meeting the high expectations of those around me.
This social pressure is a factor in my dedication to academics.
Perceived Behavioral Control
The university’s library and resources are well-equipped, providing all the materials and facilities necessary for research.
This supportive environment enhances my self-efficacy and allows me to work efficiently on my studies.
Pursuing Hobbies
TPB plays a crucial role in my hobbies as well.
For instance, watching anime movies is one of my hobbies.
I have a very positive attitude towards anime movies.
The stories and animation techniques deeply impress me and add color to my daily life.
Subjective Norms
My friends also enjoy anime movies, so we often talk about them together.
Sharing this common hobby with my friends further strengthens my intention to watch anime movies.
Perceived Behavioral Control
I adjust my schedule to ensure I have time to watch anime movies.
Using streaming services, I can watch whenever and wherever I want, making it easy to continue this hobby.
This article uses material from the Wikipedia article “Theory of planned behavior” which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 4.0. Additionally, the texts and images were generated using ChatGPT.